October 17-23, 2022: Weekly Prayer Calendar

Monday, October 17. Father, we thank you for the variety of gifts you have given the people who serve on council. We ask that you give them wisdom and encouragement as they use those gifts in the service of your church on the Administrative & Shepherding Teams. We pray specifically for each of the Deacons: Kim Bashaw, Mary Blystra, Larry Bredeway, Josh Hop, Chris Larson, & Mark Michmerhuizen.

Tuesday, October 18. Pray for the Discipleship Team as they give leadership for Maranatha in the area of discipleship. Pray specifically for each member of that team: John Dykstra, Toni Larson, Tammy Michmerhuizen, & Pastor Matt Stob.

Wednesday, October 19. Lord, we give thanks for the gift of music. Be with the Worship teams as they help lead us in music as we worship.

Thursday, October 20. Father, we hold up the Outreach Team as they help us share about you around the world and in our own neighborhood. Pray specifically for each member of the Outreach Team: Carl Afman, Marguerite Petroelje, Brent Pollema, Bob Schippers, & Dave Vander Heide.

Friday, October 21. Pray for Amber Ebels, our Administrative Assistant.

Saturday, October 22. God of grace, fill each of us with your Holy Spirit so that we will “be completely humble and gentle; patient, bearing with others in love” (Ephesians 4:2).

Sunday, October 23. “But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love” (Nehemiah 9:17). Lord, we  hold up our Sunday School classes, each of the students and each of the teachers before you. We ask that you bless their time together and that they all grow in grace and in the knowledge of you.
