Below is an article found and shared by our Prayer Team.
“When I turn what Scripture says about God into meditation, prayer, and praise,” said Jane McClain, “I relate to Him more intimately, praise Him more effectively, soak up His love more fully, and pray His will more soundly.” It can really do all that? Yes! There are many benefits of praying God’s Word.
Prayer naturally brings us to the Word, and God’s Word should always bring us to prayer. The two go together. Unfortunately, most of us keep them separated at all times. We have our time to read the Bible and our time to pray. It was revolutionary to me when I learned to put them together. I could start to read a chapter in the Bible, but flow in and out of prayer as I did. That practice made God’s Word stand out more as I meditated and asked Him questions about it.
Previously, I had from time to time experienced the voice of the Holy Spirit illuminating a verse or phrase or passage to my heart. And occasionally I had felt the exhilaration that comes from knowing God had shed personal light through His Word. But with this new practice, I experienced that phenomenon on a very regular basis. Scripture reading came more alive for me and I wanted to do it more, which in turn produced a more meaningful prayer life.
Living Word, thank You for revealing Your will to Your people through Scripture! Teach me to use my Bible each day as a powerful jumping off place for prayer, and as a hiding place for seeking You more fully. Show me more of Yourself and transform my life as I enter Your presence through the pages of Your holy word!
--Adapted from The Power of Personal Prayer (Learning to Pray with Faith and Purpose) by Jonathan Graf. This book is available at
Prayer Points
Praise the God who loves even the little children (Lk. 18:16).
Give thanks for God’s promise in Prov. 22:6 to help parents train their children in the right way.
Confess any lack of love or any impatience you have experienced toward your children or others.
Commit yourself to a renewed appreciation for the place children have in God’s sight.
Ask for wisdom to train your children in his ways.
Ask God to “turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers” (Mal. 4:6) throughout his kingdom.
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries.