Thank You! from Dave Gifford

To all our supporters and supporting churches,

A big thank you for your donations and prayers in March. We are now at 69% of our goal thru June for our regular support, and already have $1,100 donated to our new $12,000 project to get Logos Bible software packages in the hands of Christian leaders that I (Dave), James Lee and Abe Lee work with here in Mexico. There is not yet an online giving page, but I will include a "clip and send" in our prayer letter, which I hope to send out this week.

Since I am sending the prayer letter out soon, I will be brief: I had a wonderful time in the state of Nuevo León March 23-26, leading the Compa region there in a conference on the book of Titus. Seventeen Bible study leaders and four Compa personnel spent seven and a half hours journeying with me through this short but practical book of the New Testament, and enduring my sense of humor. They participated boisterously with questions and comments and verses. I feel spoiled to get such amazing groups to teach, and such encouraging teaching experiences. Thanks for making it possible.

Please remember to check our monthly-updated prayer requests at

Blessings in Christ,

David Gifford

Mexico team leader, Mexico City

Resonate Global Mission
Engaging People. Embracing Christ.
A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church

From March 11 to April 30, thanks to a matching donation campaign, you can double your impact by making a gift to Resonate’s "where most needed fund" at