Update from Dave & Blanca Gifford - March 5, 2024

Greetings from Mexico City! Blanca and I want to thank you for your support and prayers for our ministry here. 

We left February 15 for Honduras. We had a good time at our regional retreat. It was great to see the missionaries from the Mexico-Caribbean region. Then we stayed in Honduras to visit Blanca's family. It had been 19 years since we had seen many of them.

I came home February 26, enjoyed a nice restful birthday on the 27th, then dove into the pile of administrative work that had built up. Blanca returned today (March 5), and now I am preparing for preaching and for my conference on the book of Titus for a COMPA regional camp March 23-26 in Santiago, Nuevo León. I hope to also add more Spanish materials to giffmex.org/b/ soon, now that the heavy admin season is done, and allergies appear to be subsiding.

Thank you all again, and blessings in Christ,

David Gifford

Mexico team leader, Mexico City

Resonate Global Mission
Engaging People. Embracing Christ.
A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church