GEMS Kick-off the Fall Season!

Our year is off to a great start! There are some big changes to the GEMS program this year, but, so far so good. This is the first year we do not have a combined program with Bethany CRC. Therefore, we are now meeting at Maranatha in the Children's Worship room and in the gym/kitchen area. We meet as a large group every other Wednesday with girls from our church and a few from the community. We have approximately 12 girls participating this year. Charrie Hemmeke is the Club Coordinator and co-leads with Jen Brinks. Lauren Hemmeke is our teen helper.

Our theme this year is LOVED and our theme verse is 1 John 3:1. We have been busy during our first few meetings learning about our theme through weekly lessons, prayer time, decorating our bulletin board (check it out in the Children's Worship room!), doing crafts and singing. Our theme song this year is Live Like You’re Loved by Hawk Nelson.

We have lots more fun in store for the girls in the coming weeks including baking cookies to share (snack time is always a favorite activity!), shopping for items and packing Care Boxes for the Holland Rescue Mission’s Thanksgiving Banquet, and caroling at Resthaven Maple Woods as part of our Christmas party.

We covet your prayers as we teach the girls that they are Loved Period. Thank you for your support of the GEMS program!
